sometimes i wish life could be as simple as msn and star trek.
we could go around with signs on our backs or on our foreheads or something. if we're in the mood to socialize, we can let people know. and we can easily find other people to talk to who are in the same mood. if we're not in the greatest of moods, we can display whatever mood we're in and people will know by just looking at us so we don't have to explain ourselves. if we don't wanna be disturbed, we can indicate that too. and as a last resort, if we can't indicate how we feel clearly enough and we just wanna be completely invisible so as to avoid any kind of [mis]communication, we can use a cloaking device.
isn't that a lot better than being misunderstood? or having to give a play-by-play every time someone asks?
i think my tank is empty. i think it has been empty for a while. i think i am only going through the motions. i think... i dun wanna do it anymore.
can i? dare i?? will life allow me to shut down so that i can recharge???
i wonder......
if i can drop a course at this point and not receive an F.
if i can give up all my ministries. and maybe, just maybe, keep one.
if i can cancel my phone plan. or any other types of plans.
if i can be anti-social and not have anyone notice.