Wednesday, November 30, 2005

(yes. i am procrastinating.)

i think i'm too hard on my mom sometimes. or i don't give her enough credit.
with the two of us going back to school this year, she is doing so much better than me. that woman just triumphs under pressure... i'm constantly caving in. she's just as disciplined as she is passionate, whereas passion runs my entire agenda (and we all know how often passion fluctuates).

she's the kind that would run for student council (she's already a student rep for her program), whereas i would go out of my way to avoid those kinds of social obligations. she's classmates with people mostly my age and i'm classmates with people mostly her age. in fact, her closest friend at school is only a year older than me.

there is something so very skewed about all of this.

anyway, she's doing really well and i'm happy for her. sometimes i feel so bogged down with a double workload of papers cuz she's always asking me to proofread/re-word hers, but all i have to do is hear her squeal for joy and hold her back from hugging me to death and see the good marks she's getting... then i remember that it's all worth it.

sigh... back to late paper #3 for me.


Mere Rhetoric said...

What classes are you taking now?? What have you been up to? Your posts are slightly ambiguous...

lynnie said...

Hey i didn't know your mom went back to school. Weird. :D

Anyhow... don't worry it's almost time for the first of many breaks. :D get the papers over with and think outside of the box when you write them. :D Realize that there's something fun about almost anything that you need to submit find that one point and go crazy!


juice said...

hrmm, i know she's your mom and everything, but can she do anything for you so that you develop your sense of discipline as well?

glad that she's finding fulfillment in her studies, but maybe listening to her on how she does it can spark an idea in you...

haha, i know, i sound stupid with this random thought... maybe she knows a thing or two about schooling, she is a parent after all.. :)

grace said...

hi j! ambiguous eh? excellent ;) i'm at tyndale doing my first year of their master of divinity (MDiv) program. but i'm planning to move out to B.C. next summer to pursue a masters degree in applied linguistics and exegesis... basically to equip me to do linguistic and translation work in less developed areas (ie. language survey work, literacy development, Bible translation).

lynnie... hilarious advice :P i will try to find the fun (?!?!?) in my papers and let u know how that goes.

and lastly... nope, nope, and n/a.

Mere Rhetoric said...

Congrats! I'm glad that you're doing something that has you looking forward to the future!

I hope I get to see you before you are totally MIA and over on the west coast! (home of ohhhhh-so-good sushi...I will try and visit you....)

grace said...

thanks :)

we'll definitely meet up before i leave, i'll make sure of that. and i'd be delighted if u were ever to visit me! heehee