Saturday, December 03, 2005

(procrastinating. part deux.)

i went to the mall today. it was a necessary excursion.

but what i came out with was not what i went there to get.

bad grace bad!!! no peace for me tonight. and no chocolate either.

i think i need to make at least one return. which also means i need to go back to the mall. aaagh!!

seriously, the minute that return is processed, i need to make like joseph and FLEE from that cursed, money-sucking black hole of a place......


apacible adj. calm, gentle [n. apacibilidad]

that's a spanish word, by the way. (many filipino surnames are.) and please pronounce it right... it's AHH-pah-SEE-bleh. happens to be my middle name, my brother's middle name, my mom's maiden name, and my grandfather's surname... or so i thought.

i learned something interesting today. my great-grandfather had the surname of patugalan. my grandfather should've been a patugalan. my relations on that side are all patugalans. it was my great-grandmother whose last name was apacible. she died and my grandfather was her only child. but my great-grandfather remarried and had other patugalan children. apparently, my grandfather was the very last of the apacibles... no one else from his mother's side to carry on the line. in order for the apacible line to continue, they changed his last name to reflect his mother's line... and thus, the apacible line continues to this day. (normally i'm quite embarrassed about my unusual middle name, but i feel honoured now that i know the story behind it.)

onto my paternal side... so my dad's roots are in fujian province. he just came back from a trip to china and we apparently own some land in xiamen! well, sort of... our particular TAN line corporately owns a chunk of land, and any (male) tans are entitled to claim their share if they so choose. i dunno, maybe this is considered a normal thing in china, but it's news to me. and i think my dad's actually interested in claiming his lot... which really amuses me for some reason. and they're even in the process of building this huge tan "shrine" (i dunno how else to call it, but i hope it's not a worshipping kind of place) with the names of all the tans... again, just the males (no comment!)... but anyway, it's nice to find out stuff like this. one of these days i'm gonna work out my whole geneaology.


Anonymous said...

How does one check to see if they're in this particular tan ancestry? Our family's chinese surname is tan and we probably have some sort of fujian roots as well (although I'm not entirely sure about that one...) =)

grace said...

hhhmmmmmmmmmmm..... interesting... i know they have all the info there, but i dunno if there are any other means to access it other than having to make a trip there. i'll find out. and i'll see if my dad bothered to get a copy of the tan geneaology. though if he did, it might be just our direct line... still, i wouldn't be surprised at all if we were indirectly related! maybe we have the same great-great-great-great-grandpa. heehee. if i do have access to some kind of record, i'll let u know, maybe get some chinese names from u to see what i can find.