Tuesday, January 10, 2006

it's morphin' time ;)

happy new year, tout le monde!

so i thought i'd change the look of my blog a bit. you know, make the switch from one default template to another. hard work, i know.

i didn't get as much rest as i would've liked over the holidays. i was writing papers up until the morning i left for san diego, and the entire trip was pretty jam-packed and more stressful than your average vacation (though i was able to marvel at God's creation a few times, and those precious moments alone made the trip worth it). for the second year in a row, i spent the bulk of my birthday in an airport / on a plane and was barely awake for the countdown. and then i blinked and found myself back in school first week into the new year. and yes, i'm already behind... ugggghh.

so what was i doing a year ago today?

i was able to visit the hospital i was born in just over 24 years ago.

i also got a chance to visit my old house.

i took these pics from my yahoo photo album of last year's trip to the philippines. click here for a refresher.

i would've made an album of my cali trip, but i had to leave my camera behind for my dad to use. my mom took a million pics, but it's not the same cuz it's not my story to tell. though i might post the odd pic... like the one of the chocolate fountain at my aunt's wedding. i'm drooling just thinking about it!! next time, next time.


lynnie said...


I hope you had a good one. We've gotta go out and Celebrate girl!

anyhow... have fun writing your papers.


grace said...

thanks dearie ;) i'm planning to take u out... but first, pray that i get my life up and running and in some kind of order this january. tty soon!