Saturday, December 17, 2005


no, not my papers... still got two of those outstanding.
(i know. pathetic. simply pathetic.)

by the time i get them done and submitted, i'll have just enough time to pack and i'm off for the holidays. so this'll be my last post of the year. should be real nice and sunny where i'm at ;)

i'll leave off with these heartfelt words:

  1. watch out, steer clear of them mistletoes
  2. be very careful what you wish for
  3. don't let gluttony add to those love handles
  4. no boxing on boxing day please. be nice
and lastly... don't forget the Celebrant!

cheers ;)

1 comment:

juice said...

did i just miss the sendoff? hahah... grace, you'll be back, you know it :)

although, you have been known to extend certain timelines, like papers and stuff, hrmmmm...