if you had to give up your senses one by one, which one would you let go of first?
not to be morbid or anything... but i've thought about it.
a long time ago, i would've said that my eyesight would be the last thing i'd let go. between that and hearing, most people consider those senses to be the most important. smell and taste seem to take a back seat... i guess cuz they're less relevant communication-wise? and people seem to take touch for granted. well... if i had to choose a communication handicap, my vocal chords would be the first to go. i know it's not really a "sense," but anyway... the world would be better off if i said less, i think. though i'd miss laughing out loud. but at least i'd still be able to laugh. and i'd definitely be missing out on one form of worship. but at least i'd still be able to hear music and play music.
next... i would give up my eyesight. it seems crazy, but i was just thinking... of all the senses, the eyes are the most prone to sin. the tongue comes close, but i'm giving that up first already. what i'll miss most about losing my vision is being able to marvel at nature. also, i'll miss reading... and maybe watching movies. i'll miss the active life, all the sports. but as long as i can still listen to nature, breathe it in and feel it around me, as long as i can hear stories being told, as long as i can still go for a walk outdoors... life would still be good. imagine all the things i'd be free from... vanity and narcissism, for one. and a big one at that. all the time, effort and money going to clothes and cosmetics and accessories and all kinds of useless stuff to improve my physical appearance and meet the ridiculous standards set by the media... ugh!! there are so much more important things in life. all that time and effort and money could be going to more worthy causes. i hate the fact that i succumb to this superficial crap. good riddance, if you ask me. better yet, i'd no longer be able to judge a person with my eyes. i try to do that now, but goodness it's hard. wouldn't it be great if people never judged you based on your outward appearance? actually, the answer's not so black and white. most of us spend a lot more time and energy on our outward appearance than we care to admit, and if appearance no longer mattered, we'd be left with just our "insides"... you know... the part of ourselves where we keep all the ugly things that we don't want anyone to know about. sigh.
alright, moving on. what about smell and taste? would i really give up sight before smell and taste? i had to think long and hard about this one. and the answer is YES. first of all, smell and taste pretty much go together... lose one and you essentially lose the other, so i'm gonna clump them. but what i'm really after is my sense of taste. how can i possibly live life without enjoying my food??? it's one of the few necessities in life that i can actually enjoy. i don't eat to live, i live to eat. i'd be absolutely miserable if i could no longer find joy in eating and drinking. simple as that.
the second last to go would be touch. i wouldn't live very long without companionship that's affirmed through touch. i can't explain it any more than that. and then the last thing to go would be my hearing.
Ha ha... grace you always make me laugh. I can't believe you must have spent like 20 minutes typing out this blog. hee hee... anyhow... I'm glad you have it all figured out now. Who knows maybe one of these days the question might actually come up. (Wise thinking! ;) )
um... i wasn't trying to be funny :P this post was supposed to be completely serious! but i'm glad i'm able to make you laugh. laughter is good for the soul :) and i'm interested to know your response to this question, hehe
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