Friday, November 12, 2004

ever after

everyone's got their own take on the subject of finding the perfect mate, but the prince's take on ever after never fails to make me smile :) he kinda reminds me of myself... the way my thought process works, how i would pose a million different questions and scenarios and then freak out at the huge number of possibilities i've given myself... hehehe. i originally found the quote on someone else's page... can't remember who though.

“Do you really think there’s only one perfect mate? How can you be certain to find them? And if you do find them, are they really the one for you or do you only think they are? What happens if the person you’re supposed to be with never appears, or she does but you’re too distracted to notice? Let’s say God puts two people on earth and they are lucky enough to find one another, but one of them gets hit by lightning…well then what? Is that it? Or perchance you meet someone new and marry all over again; is that the lady you’re supposed to be with or was it the first? And if so, when the two of them are walking side by side, are they both the one for you and you just happen to meet the first one first or was the second one supposed to be first? Is everything just chance or are some things meant to be?”

- Ever After


juice said...

i don't know if i can think like that.. (i don't think i've even seen the movie myself) but 'perfect' does not have to imply "meant to be", right? just wanted to pick your brain before it falls apart :D and why are you on this subject? haha, don't mean to laugh... but i suspect most ppl are..

grace said...

.......what the...?!??

i had to read ur comment a coupla times... and i STILL dun get it. first things first. YES, perfect does not have to imply 'meant to be'... but it can, depending on ur definition of 'perfect'. easy subject to get carried away with so i won't get into that right now. next... and this is what i REALLY dun get... WHY are u asking me WHY? why ask about this subject and not any other subject? this is another one of those 'why are u standing over there' moments... why did u ask why i was standing over THERE, but not when i stood over HERE? with what criteria do u choose to ask me why questions about certain things and not others? but before i turn the question around on u, lemme attempt to give u answer.

i like this quote cuz it's funny. it tickles me. i like how the prince thinks. i think HE's funny. i laugh because i can get like that sometimes with my line of questioning. [see paragraph above.] i happened to stumble across these quotes that i like, and THAT's why i'm on the subject of quotes that i like. oh, did u mean the subject of 'the perfect mate'? that's the prince's subject. don't get me and the prince confused now.

ok, my turn... WHY are u laughing?? what's so funny?? why do u suspect that most other ppl are laughing?? WHY?!

juice said...

sometimes what i write does not encompass my whole train of thought.. you just get a glimpse of it here and there... i didn't ask why you liked the quote.. and i didn't even ask why you laughed (and i didn't even notice that you laughed, to tell the truth, even if you did find the quote funny)... i asked you on (yes, you got it right eventually) why you were on the subject of the perfect mate.. picking a quote is one thing.. i can be collecting quotes like the next person, but say for example, why would i find this an opportune time to say i really like the quote (to use a recently quoted movie) "you had me at hello", if i weren't thinking of something to reference it with? ie. someone who was rambling in front of me, or someone who gave me a nice greeting... my point here is that i find you extremely defensive (and there is nothing wrong with that) but I will for this instance apologize for not communicating my intent more clearly... and btw, i do not suspect of ppl laughing... i was laughing in expectance of your answer, on the fact that i thought it would be a rhetorical question to ask you why you were on the "perfect mate" subject... and i suspected ppl were going to be in the same mindset from time to time.. hopefully not laughing :D there, a long comment from me...

juice said...

btw, a perfectly good answer could be "why? no reason"... but then it wouldn't be the same saying that now, would it? :D

grace said...

GOOD GRIEF... u're just bringing it on, aren't u......!!

let me clear something up. it's not that i got it right eventually, it's that u had it wrong this whole time. yes, wrong! i was never on the subject of 'the perfect mate'. perhaps i should say it's the subject of the quote. but it's not the subject of my post! so what's my subject then? my subject is the REASON i chose this quote. what's my reason? I LIKE IT. what do i like in particular? the fact that i can relate to that line of questioning. and then i stressed the laughing because i wanted to point out that i didn't laugh cuz the prince was talking about his perfect mate... i laughed cuz of the way he was asking his questions. we can change the subject of the quote to chocolate and my subject would remain the same. and i would still laugh. and if u're still insisting that i chose this quote cuz i was thinking of something in reference to it, then let me say that the reference is to the prince's thinking and asking style and nothing to do with any mates! do u get what i mean at all?? and btw, it's not about me being extremely defensive... it's about u asking those bloody WHY questions that get me sooo worked up (and u KNOW it too! don't pretend u dunno what i'm talking about... next time u start one of ur questions with WHY, i'm really gonna unleash it).

**for those of u reading this who don't know how jeff and i interact, i just wanted to point out that: 1)we're cool, we don't hate each other really :P, 2) these discussions/outbursts between us are actually fairly typical (perhaps even on the healthy side) and nothing to be alarmed about, and 3)i'm not as hostile as i sound! ^_^

juice said...

hahah, oh yeah, other people could be reading this too.. oops.. ok ppl, please don't take sides.. (i seem to have no problem doing that :P)... well, maybe i might sound like a philosopher.. but i take no pleasure in winning arguments... (have i even won just once?) i only want to understand people :D and i guess i am guilty of the fact that i don't do that too often... and no, you are not hostile at all... in fact, i'd rather that than unresponsiveness... and grace, i really hope that you don't hate me :D i merely ask questions that bait sometimes...

i was thinking about that comment the other day, about me not having time to do the things that need to be done... i still don't know whether i have too much time or not enough... it just never seems to be a temporal issue with me.. in fact, i'm not even a creature of necessities... btw, using big words doesn't make me right... i might sound like an intellectual, but i'm really just a brute sometimes.. feel free to disagree... :D and if this comment seems choppy, i'm sorry, it's patched together from different trains of thoughts i spin... haha, and post something, else we'll be in this subject of 'quotes' longer...