Thursday, October 27, 2005


praise God from whom all Bibles flow!

last weekend, i was checking out Bibles at mitchell's and i ended up buying a cheap print $2 NKJV Bible for the purposes of my inductive study assignment. they had a promo going where i could come back the week after with my receipt and get one regular priced item at 30% off, so i figured it'd be a good time to get myself a(nother) decent Bible. so i finally, finally, finally bought myself a Bible to replace the blue NIV one i "misplaced" months ago... took long enough! i'm not letting this one out of my sight :P same compact size as my old one, except it's ESV and nutmeg in colour. i'm very pleased with it... decent price (on sale for $23) and it's an "essentially literal" translation... one of the newer ones of its kind to come out but apparently up there with NASB and NRSV... i'm very pleased with it :) i also bought myself a simple black NASB Bible for the mere sake of owning a copy of this wonderful, wonderful translation (elisabeth elliot uses it and i just absolutely look up to her, not to mention my OT prof had recommended this version along with ESV for serious study whereas NIV should be read for more devotional purposes) and also, i'd been wanting a Bible that i can highlight and underline and mark and essentially 'deface' without feeling too guilty about it. this one i bought at 30% off, which came to about $15... not bad. one of the first Bibles i actually picked up was a navy blue NIV compact Bible similar to the one i used to own, but that little thing cost $50! i'm still hoping to find mine one day. what else... pastor andrew says there's a sign-up for students to receive a free TNIV Bible, so i'll definitely be doing that. clarice says it's like the NIV but gender inclusive... maybe i won't need an NIV replacement then. and i'd still like to own a copy of the NRSV (my NT prof prefers this version) but i know i won't find it at mitchell's... they had like, one !

oh, and stan, just for you, a friend in hebrew class today pointed out that sin is a feminine noun. hope that smoothes out your feathers a little ;) but not too much now, cuz my response to him was: "so is wisdom..." it never really ends, does it? :P


Anonymous said...

I've also heard that the ESV is a good formal equivalence translation of the Bible. And in addition to that, the publisher of ESV has been doing a *really* good job of opening up usage of their translation through various free web services. They really seem to be embracing and taking advantage of internet technology more than anyone else.

On a side note, the "Spirit of the Reformation Study Bible" also looks pretty interesting as well. It's the same NIV, but the study notes look really good and well organized (based on the online sample chapters they have). I'm still sorta just browsing around. Everything looks interesting, but I don't think I need to get anything new at the moment (although that $2 book you mentioned seems tempting).

...And no, it never really ends =P

juice said...

meh, it took me maybe two years to get this bible that i needed (wanted a replacement for my still working one anyway)... and i think i'm quite happy with it (color, translation, content and features, etc..), prolly won't go the many translation route... i'm either picky or slow or both.. but i generally like what i end up with or go for...