during chapel today, i was privileged to hear kim phuc give her testimony. her story was very moving... one thing she said that stuck in my mind was this: the weapon of forgiveness is more powerful than any weapon of war. how true indeed... God has done such amazing things in her life. watching that documentary clip the day her village got bombed... oh man... i dunno why, but everything just makes me wanna cry these days. so many things going on around the world... even locally... enough to break my heart into a million pieces.
Your tears fall easily these days, because your stone cold heart is melting away and perhaps it is the excess water that streams down your confused face. Or maybe on the way to class one day, you stumbled upon the heart that you dropped sometime ago, that's why it feels as though it's broken in many little pieces. Now, you have a heart. Great things are coming your way. God is doing amazing things to you too.
dear mr. anonymous,
i call you mister because i know that no fellow female would make such presumptuous statements about my heart. thank you for your comment... feel free to express yourself at any time. just a disclaimer though... my blog is merely a "keyhole glimpse into my life," and even then, i mostly blog about matters of the mind. my reason for this is that everything is subject to interpretation, and though i can accept various opinions on many topics, i can hardly stand being misunderstood when it comes to matters of the heart. i'd rather there be no interpretation at all, so i usually refrain from posting anything that's emotionally revealing. on that level, i am as unknown to you as you are to me, and as far as this blog is concerned, i intend to keep it that way. just so you know that you don't know, and please don't think you do.
thank you.
woah, where did that comment come from??
hey, chapel is like grad group, they have chapel time too? cools. i'm so out of the loop when it comes to things happening in the world these days.. i dunno whether i should fix it or continue like this.. not that i do not want to think about it or care about it. but you know what i mean?
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